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7 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Hernia Recurrence

7 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Hernia Recurrence

Dealing with a hernia can be a painful and challenging experience, but if you’ve already undergone hernia repair surgery, the fear of recurrence can be even more daunting. 

At Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery in Snellville, Georgia, we’re hernia repair experts. Our team, led by Aliu O. Sanni, MD, FACS, understands that you may face a hernia recurrence.

But we want to help you avoid such a recurrence, so we put together some ways to minimize the risk and promote a healthy recovery.

Here are seven of the most effective ways you can reduce your risk of hernia recurrence.

Follow your postoperative instructions

After your hernia repair surgery, we give you postoperative instructions that serve as guidelines tailored to your specific condition to help ensure you have a smooth recovery. We ask you to:

Ignoring or neglecting these guidelines increases the likelihood of hernia recurrence, so you should follow them diligently.

Maintain a healthy weight

Excess weight puts unnecessary strain on the repaired area, making it more susceptible to hernia recurrence. 

By maintaining a healthy weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can alleviate the pressure on your abdominal muscles and lower your risk of hernia recurrence significantly.

Practice proper lifting techniques

If your job or daily routine involves lifting heavy objects, learn proper lifting techniques. Always lift with your legs — not your back — and avoid sudden, jerking movements. If an object feels too heavy, ask for assistance or use lifting equipment to reduce the risk of straining your abdominal muscles and triggering a hernia recurrence.

Strengthen your core muscles

Weak core muscles can contribute to the development of hernias and increase your likelihood of recurrence. Exercises that specifically target your core — such as planks, bridges, and pelvic tilts — can help strengthen these muscles and provide better support for your abdominal wall.

Avoid smoking and manage chronic coughing

Smoking weakens your body's ability to heal, which increases the risk of hernia recurrence. Quitting smoking is one of the most beneficial lifestyle changes you can make for your overall health and hernia recovery.

In addition, if you suffer from chronic coughing due to asthma or other respiratory conditions, make an appointment with our team to get the medical treatment you need to minimize strain on your surgical site.

Listen to your body

Pay attention to your body's signals and avoid activities that cause discomfort or pain to reduce your risk of hernia recurrence. Pushing yourself too hard during physical activities or returning to strenuous exercises too soon after surgery can compromise the healing process and lead to complications.

Wear appropriate support

In some cases, wearing a supportive garment, such as a hernia belt, can provide added stability to the repaired area during the healing process. Call us to find out if this is a suitable option for your specific situation.

Reducing the risk of hernia recurrence requires a combination of self-care, adherence to our medical advice, and making lifestyle adjustments. We want to help you make significant strides toward a successful hernia repair recovery with a low risk of recurrence.

To learn more, book an appointment with our team at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery by calling or clicking here today.

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